Digital Infrastructure

The digital economy relies on a solid infrastructure capable of sharing information and supporting decision making. decision analysis partners has over 20 years of experience developing technical roadmaps for transforming and future-proofing digital infrastructures.

Broadband Infrastructure

Broadband networks are critical for content and information distribution. Our services include a full range of technical services including network and technology assessment, future-proof design and implementation roadmaps, partnership and market strategies, security, operations management, OSS/BSS, detailed technical specifications, and tender development, including PPPs.

Computing and Content Distribution

Content distribution is increasingly important in the digital economy. Large content repositories or caches optimize broadband capacity but require large amounts of reliable electrical power. Our company has considerable experience in modernizing, consolidating or designing modern greenfield data centers and their surrounding broadband and content distribution networks.

Applications and e-Platforms

Data is the digital economy’s fuel, and applications are its engines. decision analysis partners provides expert consultation on data management, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. We assess and create platform and application architectures in key government and private-sector spaces, such as e-government, emergency and crisis management, intelligent transportation systems, digital inclusion, logistics, the postal service and others.

Recent Digital Infrastructure Projects

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