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July 16, 2016CRASA Forum on Postal Financial Services

Mandla Msimang
Mandla is a senior regulatory consultant focusing on ICT regulation; public policy; universal service and access; and competition policy, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She has authored a number of key publications in the area of regulatory change in the digital era. She is the founding partner of Pygma Consulting, a Johannesburg firm specialised in public sector reform; regulation and regulatory best practice, regulatory impact assessment, business regulation, environmental regulation, utility regulation, regulatory compliance. Mandla is responsible for managing a team of consultants providing services to public and private sector clients across Africa.Hans Boon
Hans is a world renowned postal banking expert who specializes in implementing solutions that revitalize postal organizations through financial, digital and social inclusion. Hans brings an integrated and comprehensive approach to the reform of postal and postbank institutions. He also brings a unique combination of management and consulting skills covering postal operations and Postbank development in both industrialized economies and developing nations. He draws his experience from his former responsibilities at ING and the Netherlands Postbank, where he led partnering projects between international postal organizations and financial institutions in more than 50 countries on 4 continents.Brian Goulden
Brian Goulden is based in Gaborone, Botswana. He has more than 35 years’ experience in designing and sustaining organizations in the ICT policy and regulatory sector, including in Botswana, Ghana, Jordan, Iran, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. Brian Goulden has an in-depth understanding of regulatory requirements across a number of sectors – including micro-financing. His wider experience includes working with Governments and public and private telecommunications operators in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.Forum on Postal Financial Services and Financial Inclusion
Lilongwe, Malawi 30 – 31 August, 2016
decision analysis partners is pleased to support the Communications Regulatory Association of Southern Africa (CRASA) Postal Financial Services forum to take place August 30-31 in Lilongwe, Malawi. The 2-day forum is designed to bring together postal financial services experts and stakeholders to discuss the development of a common Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) policy and regulatory framework. This framework will be designed to support the development of postal financial services in a consistent and coordinated fashion, perhaps enabling cross-border cooperation and flows. The first day will be devoted to selected background presentation on current implementations of postal financial services in the region, typical business models, and an analysis of current postal service financial services regulatory regimes in SADC. The second day will be devoted to a structured discussion of regulatory issues and possible solutions in the SADC region. The stakeholder forum is part of a research project commissioned by CRASA. The report from this project will incorporate the discussions and suggestions from the forum.Program
Tuesday 30th August 2016
Opening Ceremony
08:30 Registration of Participants09:00 Welcome Remarks - MACRA
09:20 Introductions
09:30 Group Photograph
09:30 – 10:00 Break
Session 1 - “Back to the Future” – Hans Boon
10:00 – 11:0011:00 – 11:20 Break
Session 2 - “Who regulates Whom and What” - Mandla Msimang
11:30 – 12:3012:30-13:00 Discussion, Question & Answers 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
Session 3 - “Capturing the Potential” – Hans Boon
14:00 – 15:0015:00 – 15:20 Break
Session 4 - “Not one Size Fits All” - Mandla Msimang
15:30 – 16:3016:30 – 17:00 • Discussion, Question & Answers
Wednesday 31st August 2016
Opening of Day - 2
09:00 Opening Remarks - CRASA09:10 Recap & Summary of Day 1 – Hans Boon
Session 5 - “Why Regional Harmonisation in the Digital Era” – Hans Boon
09:30 – 10:3010:30 – 11:00 Break
Session 6 - “Finding the best fit” - Mandla Msimang
11:00 – 12:0012:00-12:30 Discussion, Question & Answers 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Session 7 - “Bringing it all together” - Mandla Msimang & Hans Boon
14:00-15:00Guided discussion on a Postal Financial Services Policy and Regulatory Framework for SADC
Conclusions, Summary, Takeaways and Next Steps
Closing Ceremony
15:00 – 15:20Closing Remarks & Vote of Thanks – CRASA
Remarks from Host Country - MACRA
15:20 – 16:00 Refreshments & Interaction