
decision analysis partners (DAP) used agent-simulation technology to develop a sophisticated model designed to test and evaluate the performance of advanced delivery scenarios for an undisclosed client. 

DAP‘s model enables the simulation and detailed evaluation of alternative and complex delivery methods.  These alternative delivery methods may use artificial intelligence (AI) to leverage real-time and detailed shipment information to shape delivery routes in order to optimize overall cost and delivery performance.  The model is able to evaluate alternative types of routes such as:

  • Irregular or alternate-day (i.e. not daily) point-of-call routes,
  • Dynamic/day-of-week-specific delivery routes,
  • Dynamic product-specific holds to increase route coverage and density,
  • Dynamic route management with transshipment points (possibly carrier-neutral urban hold-and- consolidate points),
  • Scenarios where delivery vehicles would communicate with one another in real time.

The model uses detailed historical data from carrier production systems which are then used for building scenarios.  Each agent collects detailed information about its operation, duration, parcel or mail processed as well as labor and/or vehicular costs.  Geographically-based information can be added, including historical time-of-day traffic information.  The diagram to the right provides an overview of the simulation agent approach.