decision analysis partners opens office in Hawaii
September 2, 2013
Study on Innovative Postal Products
April 18, 2014Eastern Caribbean World Bank Study

decision analysis partners has been awarded a complex study of telecommunications for the Caribbean islands of Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada by the World Bank. The study aims at evaluating overall broadband availability on the islands, and connectivity to the outside World. Following the development of a detailed baseline, the team will recommend Government-wide solutions on each island, digital inclusion initiatives and improvements to overall connectivity.
Latin America and the Caribbean lag far behind developed countries in broadband penetration, according to a new index launched on Wednesday by the Inter-American Development Bank. It finds Chile, Barbados and Brazil in the best position to take advantage of this vital development tool. The 26 countries of the region included in the index posted a score of 4.37 on the Broadband Development Index. By comparison, the countries of the OECD rate an average of 6.14. Chile leads the regional ranking with a combined score of 5.57, followed by Barbados at 5.47 and Brazil with 5.32. The index brings together 37 indicators, each with a score ranging from one (least development) to 8 (most development), to come up with the overall index. The indicators are chosen on the basis of four pillars: public policy and strategic vision, strategic regulation, infrastructure, and applications and knowledge.