2013 Free Postal Webinar Series
March 21, 2013
Evaluating Postal Automation for Middle Income Countries
April 23, 2013Measuring Postal Performance, May 16, 2013

Measuring Postal Performance was our fourth webinar in our series of free 2013 postal webinars presented May 16, 2013 at 10:30 AM EST
The webinar slides can be found at Postal Performance Measurement slideshare from decision analysis partners LLC
Measuring the performance of a postal operator extends beyond the traditional metrics used by private companies such as return on equity for instance. Postal service is a public endeavor, and its performance must be measured in light of universal service obligations, and limits to missions and risks that constrain its strategy and operation. In addition to that, posts are networks, and the management of networks is inherently complex. In this webinar, we will talk about what makes the postal service challenging to manage and measure, including public service and network issues.
- Pierre Kacha, Ph.D., director of decision analysis partners postal practice will lead this webinar. Pierre has led over 60 postal projects with decision analysis partners, including operations planning and perfromance measurement projects.
- Bernard Markowicz, Ph.D. is the managing director of dap. He has contributed and led large postal projects, including the designa and implementation of a network operations management center for the USPS