Bernard Markowicz presents at 2012 Malta PIEF
June 20, 20122012 Summer Postal Dispatch is out!
July 12, 2012Pierre Kacha presents at PostalVision 2020
decision analysis partners participated as a speaker at the PostalVision 2020 conference held in June in Washington DC. Pierre Kacha, head of decision analysis’postal practice presented an overview of the Postal Service’s network infrastructure. Following the presentation, Pierre participated in a PostalVision panel discussion that reviewed the attributes of the Postal Service’s physical infrastructure. The PostalVision panel also included Jody Berenblatt, Postal Advisor, GrayHair Software Trends – Mark Schoeman, Colography Group, Inc. Parcels – David Loonam,VP Sales/Product/Market Management , DHL Global Mail Printed Matter – Matthew (Matt) Kammerait, Product Manager – Interactive Print Solutions, Quad Graphics.
The presentation can be seen below: