February 28, 2013

Combating Postal Revenue Leakage

As new technology solutions emerge, protection from leakage can be better integrated into business processes in order to deter theft. The webinar will discuss practices that can be applied in various environments across postal organizations, and across evidencing channels (bulk-permit, bulk-meter, retail, online postage, etc.)
August 30, 2012

dap wins IDB-funded Peru telecom study

Today, the Inter-American Development Bank awarded a contract to decision analysis partners to perform a feasibility study of the National Broadband Network in Peru.  This task […]
August 28, 2012

decision analysis partners at PostExpo 2012

decision analysis partners is proud to present insightful and innovative concepts at three PostExpo sessions: Day 2 (19 september) – 09:30 – The Adaptable Post – Dr […]
August 17, 2012

dap wins hybrid mail project

decision analysis partners was awarded a project by an undisclosed client to provide a feasibility assessment of USPS’s current hybrid mail products and the potential consequences […]
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